Craft modern responsive websites by adding light weight mantras to your HTML.
Rapidly design and customize responsive webites with Mantra UI,a CSS library, and your mantra to everything CSS, featuring extensive prebuilt components, including but not limited to avatars, images, cards, navbars and powerful JavaScript plugins.
Our mantra is to keep everything simple, so you don't need any package installations, just copy and paste the code shown in the head tag of your HTML document, and you are good to go. Now start adding classes (or mantras as we like to call them) to your HTML elements, to style those dull pieces.
check-icon Why Mantra ?
Mantra UI is open source and customizable, which means you can build on top of already awesome components. No typical installation, just copy and paste the class names in your HTML files, and let Mantra do the styling.
It's responsive repsonsive-icon
No need to write media queries, Mantra has it done for you. Our components are built using modern CSS tools like Flexbox and Grid, so you can stop worrying about those different screen sizes and focus on your business logic.